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Globalization, strategy and innovation

How do I plan and structure my organization?

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Icon calendar February 17, 2025
¿Cómo planifico y estructuro mi organización?

We have developed a series of contents, we call them self-training courses that consist of ten hours of learning. These courses are cumulative and add up to completing a program.
They are courses integrated into our NEREXA platform, which means they comply with the flexibility we mentioned. Courses prepared by our experts, updated and supervised by our team, complying with the quality of the product, in addition to having a tutor for doubts, questions and advice.
Continuous training plans for technical profiles. Complete this course to earn a proficiency.


  • Know the impact of globalization in the analysis of the economic environment.
  • Understand how decision making in the company is influenced by international economic issues.
  • Know the most important trends in globalization in recent decades.
  • Identify the different environments of international trade.
  • Understand the current rules of trade in a global world.
  • Interpret the trilemmas of globalization. Relate economic challenges to the economic and commercial evolution of a country.
  • Know the basic elements to prepare a current situation report.
  • Saber aprovechar el conocimiento de la globalización para un buen análisis del entorno económico.



10 hours






September 16, 2024




Formas de pago

Payment Methods

100% Bonusable


Basic (no previous experience required)