Having adequate job skills for employment is an essential requirement for the transition to environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economies. To this end, it is important that job placement initiatives incorporate green skills as a cross-cutting dimension.

With this vision in mind, Escuela del Agua has designed and carried out a training program in green jobs skills, providing basic knowledge and practical experience in order to bring participants closer to the objectives of sustainable development, waste issues, ecological footprint, water management and the global environmental challenge.

Working on competencies related to sustainability and the environment through environmental education allows students to integrate knowledge, values and attitudes related to sustainable development, sensitivity to environmental problems and the economic and social implications of climate change.

New jobs created within the framework of the environmentally sustainable economy will require new skill sets. The green transition will bring about a substantial change in the labor markets, requiring high levels of adaptation, retraining and acquisition of new skills at all professional levels. In this context, general green skills, especially for people in need of specific social and labor insertion programs, are essential to leave no one behind.