Planes de formación contínua para perfiles profesionales en Nerexa

Continuous training plans for professional profiles in Nerexa

Continuous training


Technical visits and cutting-edge facilities

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Conviértete en el profesional que el agua necesita

Become the professional that water needs

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Why choose us?

¿Por qué elegirnos?

We have more than 155 years of experience in the management of the integral water cycle and the environment and we cover 10 areas of technical knowledge.
Agbar, through the Water School, puts its experience at the service of professionals in the sector, Public Administrations and companies to help them to achieve faster their ecological transformation objectives. Our training achieves optimum transferability and professional applicability thanks to our methodology based on solving real cases, always being assisted by our network of specialists

Somos tu partner de formación técnica

We are your technical training partner

Our training offer reaches all key positions in an organization. We develop corporate programs tailored to the needs of each institution.

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Educación ambiental

Environmental education

The Water School is also a specialist in environmental education, meeting the needs of administrations through educational programs, museum projects and awareness-raising activities.

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