On April 15 and 16, the centers of excellence in vocational training (CoVEs) for the green economy met in Hamburg, grouped around the European 3LoE project.

During the two days, the partners shared the current state of institutional and programmatic development of the centers, while pointing out the long-term continuity models of the CoVEs.

Among the actions being developed for the Environment of Excellence in Catalonia, the dualized university degree with a student from the Rovira y Virgili University in Tarragona stands out. 

On the other hand, analyzing the CoVE, the feasibility and main benefits were discussed and it was requested that the Generalitat of Catalonia be part of the Center since it facilitates the transfer of results and the visibility of the impact. 

In the coming months, the Water School will offer new training linked to the 3LoE Project focused on energy savings, water efficiency and the reuse of resources.