Click here to watch David Calle's video on groundwater and neperian logarithms.

For 30 years now, every March 22 is a day to commemorate and raise awareness of the importance of taking care of water for the life of human beings and species on Earth. This 2022 is dedicated to groundwater with the slogan "making the invisible visible".

And, apart from glaciers and ice caps, groundwater accounts for more than 90% of the world's available freshwater (for example, most EU residents rely on local aquifers for their water supply). As with pollution and climate change, groundwater is invisible to us until we become aware of the problems associated with its overexploitation and pollution caused by toxic discharges or excessive fertilizer use. Increasing its protection, improving its ecological status, responsible and sustainable management and promoting knowledge about groundwater are essential to ensure the water supply in the coming years.

Groundwater and neperian logarithms

David Calle uses mathematics to explain the dynamics of groundwater. Using logarithms, he explains the water balance of an aquifer taking into account the different variables: rainfall, infiltration, slope and soil permeability.

In addition, special activities have been carried out within the Aqualogy program with more than 500 children, and also with the school groups from the NILSA Educational Program (Navarra Infraestructuras Locales. S.A), groups of the general public that come to La Grajera Educational Classroom in Logroño or who carry out any activity in Artikutza (more information about environmental education programs here).

From Escuela del Agua we invite you to discover, share and spread the importance of groundwater, contributing to make the invisible visible.