Home > Executive Education > Seminar > Resilient strategies for water management in the face of climate change

Resilient strategies for water management in the face of climate change

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Icon calendar April, 2024
Estrategias resilientes para la gestión del agua frente al cambio climático

The Water School as a participant in the project 3LoE, has organized the course "Resilient strategies for water management in the face of climate change" of 100 hours of self learning, by carrying out exercises to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the modules, adding a one-day in-person session in Barcelona.

The main objective of this program is to acquire, expand and improve technical skills in sustainability. Know the sustainable development objectives focused on the field of water, the environmental impact of pollutants and its legislation, seeing their challenges and looking for solutions.

You will acquire knowledge about wastewater treatment technologies, their current problems and future trends. We will work with your challenges and look for solutions.


  • Students who want to expand the skills acquired in their studies, regarding SDG sustainability and wastewater treatment technology.
  • Sector professionals.


By completing the course, you will obtain the following skills:

  • You will obtain a global image of sustainability, and more specifically, the role of water in the SDGs
  • You will learn about the legislation, strategies and action plans developed by different organizations related to wastewater treatment, and their practical application in small businesses.
  • Understand the environmental impact generated by water contaminants, and think of innovative solutions to the challenges presented by wastewater treatment systems
  • Know the different wastewater treatment systems and applied technologies. Propose improvements to operations by applying the use of innovative tools and techniques


Participants who pass the program will receive a certificate from the Water School.

The program is designed to be mostly online, through the resolution of challenges. Consider an in-person day during the last weeks in Barcelona.

In-person session:

Day: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Schedule: 10.00 - 13.00h. (Coffee break included)
Place: Col·legi d'Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya
Via Laietana, 39 Barcelona


  • Water resources: current situation and future perspectives
  • The challenges of water. UN-Water: policies, data and actions
  • Sustainability and circular economy
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
  • The water cycle in the SDGs
  • The water cycle and climate change

  • European legal framework on water matters.
  • Legislation and regulations at national, regional and municipal level on water matters.
  • The European Green Pact (Green Deal): objectives and initiatives.
  • Urban wastewater treatment in Europe: Council Directive 91/271/EEC.
  • Management of wastewater not connected to the sanitation network.
  • Reuse of regenerated water: Legislation. Technological challenges and solutions.

Practical work


    Desiré Marín

    Desiré Marin

    Agbar Innovation Director and Head of strategic initiatives in Sustainability at Cetaqua, Water Technology Center.

    Chemical Engineer, Postgraduate in Waste Treatment Plants Waters and Master in Water Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
    Expert in Life Cycle Analysis for sustainability assessment, she has applied this methodology to numerous processes and products in the water sector. He currently combines the leadership of strategic initiatives and new business models in sustainability with the Innovation Directorate at Agbar Catalunya and the Balearic Islands. She is also an associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Circular Economy and Sustainability and a teacher at the Water School.


    Nicolás De Arespacochaga

    Nicolás De Arespacochaga

    I am Chemical Engineer graduated from Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), MSc in Environmental Diagnostics at Cranfield University (UK) and PhD in Chemical Engineering Processes at UPC (Spain) with the thesis named “Sewage biogas energy valorization via Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” .
    I joined CETAQUA Water Technology Center in 2008 where I was first Project Manager of R+D+i projects and then Area Manager of the Water & Energy, and the Wastewater & Resource Recovery departments.
    In 2019 I changed Innovation for O&M Operations moving to SUEZ Performance Municipal Water as Technical and Performance Manager for Africa-Middle East-India Business Area. In 2022 I was deputy plant manager at two of the largest WasteWater Treatment Plants in Spain (Besós and Baix Llobregat). Since 2023 I am Operational Support Manager in Water Treatment Plants in AGBAR.



April 2024



100 hours















In-person session: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at the Headquarters of the Col·legi d'enginyers Industrials de Barcelona